Alberta G. (Bertie) Moore will be inducted into the hall for expert marksmanship.
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Mrs. Moore, who resides at R.D. 1, Claysville, formed a .22 rifle team with a group of other women shooters in 1936. The team was opened to men the following year and formed the nucleus for the Frazier-Simplex Rifle Club.

She participated in smallbore rifle shooting for 40 years both in indoor gallery position and outdoor prone shooting.

Her achievements include a natlonal women’s record, 200 shots at 50 yards any sights with a score of 200-18x in July, 1946; a metallic sights score of 1590-97x with the Frazier-Simplex four-shooter team Dewar Course, August, 1947; a national record score of 1,506 for 50 feet, any sights, four positions with the Waynesburg Sportsmen Associatlon four-woman team, May, 1953; a national record score of 1,132, 120 shots, three positions, 50 feet, any sights with Frazier-Simplex four-woman team; April, 1955.

In August, 1967, she was national smallbore prone rifle women’s champion at Camp Perry, OH. with a score of 6,370-434x; set a national record for women 40 shots prone, 100 yards, any sights with a score of 400-38x and was a member of the 20-woman international Randle team at Camp Perry.

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