Jarrott A. Brogdon
Northwestern High School – Hyattsville, MD.
University Of Maryland
Youth Service
Started the Washington County Youth Lacrosse League in 1999
Became affiliated with the Brownson House, providing learn to play camps and clinics and also fall and summer leagues for boys, girls and men, ages 6 – adult.
Began an indoor league at the Vernon C. Neal Sportsplex for boys ages 6 to 14 and high school teams.
Assisted in the formation of the Canon-McMillan programs as well as McGuffey club teams and most recently the Washington Knights.
Head Middle School Coach, Assistant Varsity and JV Coach at Trinity from 1999 – 2002.
Head Varsity and JV Coach at Bethel Park High School from 2003 – 2006
Won Western PA Division 2 Championship – 2005
Undefeated freshman team – 2006
Started 5th & 6th grade youth level team at Bethel Park
Assistant Varsity Coach, Head JV Coach & 6th grade youth coach at
Peters Township High School – 2007
Head Middle School Coach – 2008
Started first youth level team (4th, 5th & 6th grades) at Trinity
Founded and directed Roanoke Rats Youth Lacrosse League in
Roanoke, VA. from 1988 – 2000.
Produced several league All Stars and 2 eventual collegiate All Americans.
Head Varsity Coach at the Vinton Lacrosse Club (VA) from 1990 – 1998.
3 league championships
5 players of the year
several league All Stars
Coordinator of the Commonwealth State Games Of Virginia from
1990 – 2002.
All Star competition for middle school boys & girls, high school boys and girls and girls’ high school field hockey.
22 players who have come through the programs are playing at Division I, II and III colleges.
Married to Barbara Pukl since 2004 with 2 daughters, Victoria & Helena and 5 grandchildren
Head varsity coach of Fairmont High School boys lacrosse team; won 14, lost 2. 2009 West Virginia high school state champions.
Voted 2009 West Virginia high school boys lacrosse “Coach of the Year”
9 team members named to the 2009 All State squad
Overall record : 14 years Head Coach – 121 wins – 63 losses